Synchronous servo motor with integrated inverter iDT


Synchronous servo motor with integrated inverter

2-in-1 principle speeds up installation

iX + DT= iDT. This is the formula for saving time: in the iDT, the inverter iX is directly connected to the servo motor DT. Both are directly wired to each other and therefore quick to install. Like the individual components, the mechatronic functional unit sits in an aluminium housing that protects the shock- and vibration-resistant inverter and servo motor from dust and moisture in accordance with protection class IP65.

Extra safe

The integrated STO function prevents any unintentional start. The “Functional Safety” option offers even greater safety. This additional module enables safe movements in the machine module up to Performance Level (PL) d and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3. Safety-relevant data is transmitted via the FSoE protocol (FailSafe over EtherCAT).

Synchronous servo motor with integrated inverter iDT

Straightforward series connection

Straightforward series connection

The user can quickly and easily wire the drive together with other components, such as decentralised servo inverters, according to the daisy-chain concept.

Data exchange in real time

Data exchange in real time

Ethernet interfaces connect the iDT 5 with higher-level controls or other drives. The inverter-integrated servo motor supports EtherCAT protocols SoE and CoE.

Product features

Motor type
Flange size
100 mm
100 mm
100 mm
Maximum torque
7.6 Nm
9.6 Nm
13.4 Nm
Maximum current
8.5 Arms
8.5 Arms
8.5 Arms
Continuous stall torque
2.3 Nm
3.7 Nm
5 Nm
Continuous stall current
2.4 Arms
3.3 Arms
3.3 Arms
Rated torque
1.31 Nm
1.55 Nm
2.4 Nm
Rated current
1.4 Arms
1.45 Arms
1.7 Arms
Rated speed
3500 1/min
3400 1/min
3000 1/min
Rated power
480 W
550 W
750 W
Moment of inertia
1.43 kgcm²
2.8 kgcm²
5.4 kgcm²
Motor length
163,5 mm
195 mm
258 mm
Motor length with brake
191.5 mm
223 mm
286 mm
4.5 kg
5.7 kg
8.3 kg

System structure

Technical data and documents

Soft- and Firmware

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