Germany Phone +49 36603 75-0 Gabrovo, Bulgaria AMK Drives and Controls EOOD Gen. Nikolov [...] Phone +49 7021 5005 0 Fax +49 7021 5005 176 Deliveries Einsteinstraße 15-17 73230 [...] Gabrovo Bulgaria Phone +359 66819 100 We are internationally available for you
it’s doable” The company was founded in 1963 as AMK Arnold Müller GmbH & Co. KG. It has belonged to the [...] AMKmotion GmbH + Co KG since then. The company name AMK is derived from the initials of the founder Arnold [...] joins the ARBURG family as an affiliate. 2021 The AMK Group has split The “Drives and Automation” forms
texts and images. Your contact: Anja Schaber 03.01.2025 | Success Story Economical