ARBURG spart Platz in seinen Spritzgieß­maschinen

Dank der kompakten, leistungsstarken Hohlwellen-Synchron-Servomotoren von AMKmotion spart ARBURG Platz in seinen elektrischen Spritzgießmaschinen ALLROUNDER.

ARBURG Produkte Ultimate 720A


ARBURG was looking for a partner to develop a modular, compact and powerful servomotor with a long service life.


The machine axes in the ALLROUNDER are moved via electric hollow-shaft synchronous servomotors.

The compact, liquid-cooled drive solution from the specialists in Kirchheim unter Teck ensures a very compact movement transformation, making the hollow-shaft motor economical and efficient.

ARBURG Produkte Ultimate 720A

SKT Series

Hohlwellenmotor SKT by AMKmotion

SKT Series

The hollow shaft synchronous servo motors from AMKmotion convert rotation into linear motion. They are ideal for high axial loads.

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